Saturday, June 23, 2007

shyban shyku

are stories possible anymore yes of course the story of responsibility, it grows tired, tires one remaking everything in its image one of wrestling an ancient throw match where bodies are breaking against each other joints the muscle this all so holy coming as it does in a body, a single body being tied to darkened horses bid to rush for a kind of fortune that is beyond the body what the body can know and such knowledge being unattainable is of the spiritual sort and also what sustains, only what can sustain without it lost with it less lost but only because direction contains the bidding


Ahab Cloud said...

Haiban, as you know, is prose written in the spirit of haiku. Shyban, then, is prose written in the spirit of shyku.

yogacephalus said...

the bar has been set high, i see

Ahab Cloud said...

Wait until you see the shenku, which is fast approaching.