Thursday, November 8, 2007

Diversity is therefore built into the most intimate experience that we enjoy in our souls, and we have no reason to look for or to require uniformity and stability outside ourselves and in the soul of others. 'I do not at all hate opinions contrary to mine. I am so far from being vexed to see discord between my judgments and others', and from making myself incompatible with the society of men because they are of a different sentiment and party from mine, that on the contrary, since variety is the most general fashion that nature has followed...I find it much rarer to see our humors and plans agree. And there were never in the world two opinions alike, any more than two hairs or two grains. Their most universal quality is diversity.


yogacephalus said...

Stuart Hampshire on Montaigne

Ahab Cloud said...

Well played!

This is, after all, a reverse endgame. You don't "win" the game until you have created an inescapable starting point.