Thursday, May 7, 2009

Like a good hunter, I should track

how anxiety moves through
the body,

when and why it appears, disappears. Is the body

radically available

or does anxiety
talk its way in the door,
slipping the bouncer
a twenty?

Who would dance with
such a selfish animal
that wants the world
to want to run from
its visage?

And then lives in what's left . . .


yogacephalus said...

This anxiety thing is big with me too. Yoga and meditation, good helpers--quiet all the distracting parts of the mind to pinpoint where anxiety's coming from.

It's such a contradictory state to be in, isn't it? Here you have this internal signal of some external threat. But then it actually impedes you from being able to just focus on identifying and engaging the source of it!

Ahab Cloud said...

Yeah, I've been trying to watch the flow of anxiety kind of objectively. To be human: everything will be fine, and then all of a sudden there's a fixation on an object or event and bam--that's anxiety. But if you catalogue these anxiety events and then look back at them, they're kind of funny. For example, worrying about paying one's taxes on times seems normal. But worrying about something that somebody said, maybe one line in a series of thousands, seems kind of hilarious. And then there are those things that might happen: my car might break down; I might forget an appointment. The imagination gone bad?

This blog post is a marker for this kind of thinking and maybe the kind of poem that might come from it.

Go easy.