Thursday, August 27, 2009

Things I Have Seen or Heard Lately That Delight Me More than Ice Cream


A man leaning out the window of his pickup at

Bloomfield Ave & Valley Rd.

He's way, way out as the red light eats time and god-

He combs his mustache.


A woman's dog shits on my lawn. She prepares to walk away but then

sees me watching,

finds a tissue or something
in her purse

(probably intended for sobbing at an opera or
Jersey pizza shop),

and cleans it up.

Incidentally, I was shirtless when I did
the apprehending.


In an argumentative meeting today

someone's neck muscles got really tense

and through tight, white lips
he said something about

"750 dollars worth of comedians." This

phrase then proceeded to bounce around the room
angering some and causing a few to even sound as if

they had been punched
in the guts.


Times like these
I know not much has changed
from an age of bicycle gangs
and first kisses,
headlocks and black eyes. I put my
body in places
and its very being
blesses me with
all I can take in. It won't always
be this way, but these days
the world is numerous and young
and I am of it, one of it, a close cousin.


I didn't get that right, but
wanted to say it. At worst this makes me
some kind of poetry pig,
alone in my slop.

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