Thursday, March 25, 2010

All of My Friends

I didn't
record this song about a half decade ago in Pittsburgh.
Should have, could have.
Then we would have sat on the porch and
had a beer and waited for Alexei to come home.
(Dry throats dry throats oh that feels just right.)
When he would have, he would have
just mumbled something about a wall. So we would have
eaten the rest of the anchovies
with crusty bread and talked about not fishing.

about a half decade ago
on the porch
had a beer and waited
for Alexei

he just mumbled something about a wall.

So we ate the rest of the anchovies with crusty bread
and talked

(those days are tucked away like
good records
behind my favorite books, I remember
everything about every room
I ever heard them in)

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