Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hey guy. Nick Cave, is it? I wonder--have
you caught wind of his third album

Kicking Against the Pricks? Chock load
full of ballads and gospel. There's
sixth song on
"Henry's Dream",

"When I First Came to Town" I think it's called,
that ranks high for me.

I've been meaning to
text back when I hear
from you that way, but
the texts have this knack of
popping up right when I'm
1) concentrating while reviewing racing programs
2) placing bets
3) cooking dinner with my lady friend.

An I-Pod is too weak
of a thing
to off you as a poet.

As for me, I'm going well--busy
as much as can be allowed.

Will be flying to Reno in a week to
hike the Sierra Nevadas.

Then am moving into a new apartment
with my girlfriend Marie and her three cats.

No poems in me now. But tonight I
plumb the depths of a Jack and Ginger
to see what's happening down there.

A few lines and stars, maybe.

Who knew?

Where should I go next with Nick Cave?

I'm digging the ballady, singer-songwriter stuff
and want to continue in that direction for a while.

But one at a time, one at a time
dear friend.

And how are you?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Secret Kudzu

Frederic Prokosch
Juniciro Tanizaki
B.S. Johnson
Varlam Shalamov
Richard Crashaw
Jim Chandler
Brigid Brophy
John Berger

(pt. 1)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Vidal on Edmund Wilson

He was perfect proof of the proposition that the more the mind is used and fed the less apt it is to devour itself. When he died, at seventy-seven, he was busy stuffing his head with irregular Hungarian verbs. Plainly, he had a brain to match his liver.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Vidal Quoting Calvino:

"he was, of course, a true realist, who believed 'that only a certain prosaic solidity can give birth to creativity: fantasy is like jam; you have to spread it on a solid slice of bread. If not, it remains a shapeless thing, like jam, out of which you can't make anything.'"

Quotes from Hammett's _Red Harvest_

"A soiled dove, as the fellow says."

"Dinah told me you were a pretty good guy, except kind of Scotch with the roll."

"That's why he's a pork and beaner when he's as good as the best."

"Plans are all right sometimes . . . And sometimes just stirring things up is all right--if you're tough enough to survive, and keep your eyes open so you'll see what you want when it comes to the top."

"Let's listen to the rest of it, I like details and things."

"There's no sense in a man picking out the worst name he can find for everything."

"You're making a fine pair of clowns of us. Be still while I get up or I'll make an opening in your head for brains to leak in."

"Jerry had another try at me. The girl spoiled it by heaving the corpse at him."

"I'm getting sick of this killing."

"I'm sick of this butchering."

"Let's get the rest of the kicks squared."

"I was in a good spot if I played my hand right, and in a terrible one if I didn't."

"We could tell better maybe who's entitled to beef if you'd give us what you got first."

"This damned burg's getting to me. If I don't get away soon I'll be going blood-simple like the natives."

"With the gin in me I returned to the dining room, switched on the lights, and looked at the dead girl."

"Why should I stoop to conceal the fact that there are those who feel justified in preferring to substitute the definite article for the indefinite?"

"I spent the evening in my room, drinking unpleasant whiskey, thinking unpleasant thoughts, and waiting for reports that didn't come."

"I was making one of my favorite complaints--that newspapers were good for nothing except to hash things up so nobody could unhash them--when I heard a boy chanting my name."

"Here's the proposish:"

"I don't want him to get any ideas that I'm dodging a rumpus with him or any other guy."

"I'd have given him the big umpchay twice for the straight dope."

"crack the hoosegow"

"This is the bunk."

"I haven't laughed so much over anything since the hogs ate my kid brother."

"Find another wet nurse."

"Seems it was a juicy row while it lasted--no duck soup for the coppers at that."

"I got no more belly left than Peter Collins."