Monday, October 8, 2007

It seemed we would be capable of a great communication now, but as we walked I realized I didn't know what to say to her. We went down the street without talking. The traffic was light, evening was approaching, and as we passed below some trees the streetlights suddently came on. This moment has always amazed me. I knew the woman had seen it too, but it is always a disappointment to mention a thing like this.

1 comment:

Ahab Cloud said...

Ethan Caan, "Star Food," _The emperor of the Air_

We are all great grandchildren

of Proust

I have my first headcold

of the season

my friend tells me

I can't wait

for rain

I'm meditating again

his son says

"Dad, you're not Chinese,

so cut it out!"

he says

I just want to hear

the sound between


ordinary life

ordinary Zen

it's all weak


to me