Saturday, December 8, 2007

There are several methods of making fake body parts. The method you choose is determined by the end result you want, your budget and the amount of effort you want to invest. Among many choices, your most basic options are;


Ahab Cloud said...

This comes from a note someone recently sent me . . . a response to one of my most absurd ventures yet.

yogacephalus said...

Don't be a tease--what's the venture?

yogacephalus said...

Don't be a tease--what's the venture?

Ahab Cloud said...

A film.

Ahab Cloud said...

Sorry, that's a tease too. Just realized. Essentially, I'm giving absolute free reign to some theories of comedy I've been carrying around for a while. More specifically, I'm attempting to film a dialogue that grew to about 37 pages. You've seen this kind of thing from me in the past, but now it will get the film treatment. An amusing distraction--but I can't wait to get quiet again over the holidays.

I'm sorry mom
I'm so obnoxious,
I don't fear Tubbs and Crocket