Sunday, October 3, 2010

Not For Solo Piano

But since this "classical music" thing

has its claws in your mood,

I can think of a few you might

like. Have you heard of Lou Harrison?

He spent his whole life creating soundtracks

for falling leaves. Or Gyorgi Ligeti. A little

more disturbed, a little more Hungarian.

Stockhausen's "Stimmung"... Kaija Saariaho.

Or Meredith Monk's "Mercy" and "Dolmen Music".

But the music that seems the most fall

and winter to me, that tracks the

unmundane repetitions of it--

snowfakes unspooling from way up

in a fractal fall, ice stitching its jagged

quilts in a puddle--is Philip Glass.

"Music in 12 Parts", "Einstein on the Beach".

The breaths of thousands on those windows.

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