Sunday, July 17, 2011

Blown Job

What will be done tonight?
Outside, so much
birthday weather. So many cases of
.........owl mouth
in loud house. Lusciously
undressed from luck

like an unhurried sinner,
I see you (or is that
just her talking
to her own private B.J. in the mirror?)
There are no B.J.s in the mirror.
All jobs are blown,
or none are. Nothing

in your life will say this
like the bible. Ecclesiastes,
for one. Two hundred
B.J.s in Ecclesiastes. Why else
so much monolithic
bitterness? Two hundred
B.J.s in Ecclesiastes. Everything in

our mortal array
thrown together and blown
into the hardcore endgame of a job.
Or was it Job? A Blown Job?
Now that's something
we haven't read about

but can understand.

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