Monday, August 6, 2007

shyku for mrs. graves

would you when startled ^ each narrative the undeniable ^ brief the form ^ reflected a word in a fleck collective ^ noun my favorite ^ "I" empties itself of radiance ^ more suited to ^ meaning what can a sentence like this mean ^ or is nothing tiny ^ narratives of syntax ^ the story is that explosion ^ within grammar yours wanted you ^ cruelly to empty ^ derange to craft radiance ^ what's a man ^ to mean anyway ^ isn't it ^ to expect ^ allegiance of water ^ wind and con ^ not ^ at ^ ions


Ahab Cloud said...

believe it or not, Mrs. Graves was my first English teacher . . .

who taught me how to make sentences

who once pulled me out of a chair
by the back of my collar
for handing out too many chuckles

who, when I think of her, seems
brittle and angular

who moved to Florida
sometime in the 80s
to work in a Cabbage Patch Doll factory

which must have fulfilled
some kind of peculiar
[fantasy] in the woman

imagine a world where
all the students look at you
with the same droll happiness

where you teach them about sentences
and they look at you
with the faces you gave them

yogacephalus said...

There you are, Mrs. Graves, as big as a male poet.