Wednesday, August 29, 2007

shyku on the day I was reading Alice Notely at 6 a.m. and spilled coffee on her beautiful book and myself and burned my balls

Until this new elegant water is century wiring my entire doubt, I finally have still open at least dawn ^ Notely’s collected resources thank god or who made cup of coffee what is twenty minutes missive ^ a quiet personal ^ want it to ascend the floor through the ceiling how it spilled onto my space as architecture ^ it is warbled on the page at home a bold breath-blush ^ location entire ^ perspectives and swallowing of mistake ^ and only then could we framework for meticulous permission ^ once used finally below point of intersect maybe twice used ^ offset by a calm idea one with elbowroom for color ^ one that doubles as an ideologue with brogue that dances an island to trespass with distinction in loss ^ fragrance shall be footprints for flight to ^ you bloomed elemental to form the outer space where too a geyser ^ essential foam in twain ^ I am what else can come next ^ yes there is noticed bliss that is oddly just after


yogacephalus said...
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yogacephalus said...
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yogacephalus said...

shapely as a note
re: singing
the knots tied
gordian go
and thusly
I am you
you are me, Missed
quote unquote
Miss Notley

yogacephalus said...

ps--this poem is another shykuian summit, by the way