Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I hated waiting. It I had one particular complaint, it was that my life seemed composed entirely of expectation. I expected—an arrival, an explanation, an apology. There had never been one, a fact I could have accepted, were it not true that, just when I had got used to the limits and dimensions of one moment, I was expelled into the next and made to wonder again if any shapes hid in its shadows. That most moments were substantially the same did not detract at all from the possibility that the next moment might be utterly different. And so the ordinary demanded unblinking attention. Any tedious hour might be the last of its kind.


Ahab Cloud said...

Not sure if this is what you wanted or how to title such entries. Not sure if we're working from the bottom up. Not sure, but posted anyway this passage from Robinson's _Housekeeping_.

If this isn't what you had in mind, begin again.

yogacephalus said...

Well, let's maybe not title the posts. That way there will be more continuity between them.

That said, don't worry about creating any semblance of linearity. Just post an idea that no matter how nebulously rhymes with the one that precedes it.